We opened the Fold Card to everyone nearly one year ago. We’ve learned a lot after processing nearly a billion $ of transactions and rewarding millions of $ worth of bitcoin to our community. We’re ready to refresh the experience to make the Fold Card more fun and more rewarding for more people.
**Editor's Note: The UI has changed a little bit on PayPal since this post was written and the list of bills is often updated, visit https://blog.foldapp.com/pay-bills-earn-rewards/ for
I've always thought the best thing about Fold (besides earning BTC back on stuff
I was going to buy and pay for anyway) was the community. This was true before I
Another Wednesday another wheel. We're continuing our theme of "Spinning is Winning". More spins = more wins. And don't forget to use your Fold Card to stack sats on ALL your biggest monthly expenses.
Fold's new referral program is now available to all Fold users. People fall down the rabbit hole faster and with more conviction when they do it alongside their friends and family. We want to accelerate this process by rewarding for growing a bitcoin community around you.