The "If it ain't broke..." Spinwheel - August 2021

Available to Fold Cardholders August 11 - August 25, 2021

Want the TL;DR? Jump to the odds and prizes summary

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

It's no secret that the Back to the Basics spinwheel was a direct response to the feedback from our users who scoffed at the angle the  Summer Games spinwheel took, which focused heavily on rewarding large transactions.

After we bumped the odds for lower % and added in a few high % prizes, we saw overwhelmingly positive feedback:

Coming up with this wheel was a no-brainer for us: keep what's working and ditch what doesn't. We are continuing to maintain solid rewards for transactions of all sizes while also keeping things interesting chances to win up to 10%, 100%, 1 Million, and 100 Million sats.

Ride the bull

As of the time of this post (Wednesday August 11th), BTC is up ~20% over the last 7 days. The world is beginning to see what many of us already know:

Bitcoin is the future, the price of BTC does not matter, and everyday transactions with the Fold card is your DCA.

For the next two weeks, keep your Fold card at the top of your wallet and take advantage of the increased stacked odds to earn at least 1% back on every purchase, and up to 1 million sats on every spin.

Few understand now, but soon many will.

Staying the course

Let's keep the momentum going with some minor adjustments to the prizes and odds.

It's all about the little things:

• Added 3% spending match prize
• Replaced 6.15% and 21% over/under % prize with 10% over/under % prize
• Increased overall odds of >0.5% rewards to >96%
• Increased overall odds of >1% to rewards to >87%

We want you to win

No, really. We do. What keeps us up at night is thinking about all our users who feel like Fold is letting them down by not helping them stack as many sats as possible.

Strategy helps. So here it is again:

💡Reminder: you can also stack spins when you save & spend. Get spins every day your balance is greater than $1,000, and every time you make a purchase over $250.

The "give $25, get $25" referral program lives on!

The limited-time referral program was such a smash hit that we decided it should stay. Check out how you give and get $25 when you orange pill your friends and family.

How would you rate this week's spinwheel? Great 🎉 • Meh 😑 • No Good 👎

New to the Fold Card? Start here.


Want to get updates when a new purchase wheel is available? Follow along here on our blog, on Twitter, or join our Discord community.

Standard disclaimer:

This is just a summary. The purchase wheel is currently only available to Fold Cardholders. The wheel is available for spinning after each purchase made with the Fold Card (currently excluding ACH), subject to certain exclusions.

For full terms and conditions, see Terms of Spinwheel Sweepstakes. You can read about each of our spinwheel prizes from the current and prior wheels.